Best SMP Artist? | Good Look Ink‎
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Best SMP Artist?

When it comes to Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP), whether to choose an SMP company full of artists or the “guy around the corner” depends on your specific needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider for each option:

Company for Scalp Micropigmentation Artists:

  1. Specialization: A team of artists can specialize in different aspects of SMP, such as hairline design, pigment mixing, or post-treatment care. This specialization can lead to a more comprehensive and customized result.

  2. Efficiency: Multiple artists can work simultaneously, potentially reducing the time required for the procedure. This might be advantageous for those with a tight schedule.

  3. Diverse Expertise: Different artists may bring various techniques and experiences to the table, which can result in a more versatile approach to SMP.

  4. Backup: In case of unexpected scheduling conflicts, illness, or emergencies, having a team of artists can provide backup options to ensure your treatment isn’t delayed.

  5. No Risk:  The company will guarantee your procedure in writing and will not just take your money and run.

One Scalp Micropigmentation Artist:

  1. Consistency: With a single artist, consistency can not be measured.

  2. Personalized Attention: You will only receive the attention he wants to provide.  No standards.

  3. Scheduling: Appointments and scheduling could be difficult as he may work when he wants to.

  4. Cost: The cost of the procedure might be lower when working with one artist, but we all know you get what you pay for.

Ultimately, the choice between “the guy on the corner”  and a SMP Clinic depends on your risk tolerance and the specific requirements of your SMP procedure. You should research and consult with artists or clinics to discuss your goals, assess their skills and experience, and determine which approach aligns best with your expectations.

Find out what Good Look Ink can do for You!

Got questions? We’re here to answer them. Just contact us today, and we’ll get back to you within one business day.


Online Reviews
"I was hesitant at first when i heard about micro scalp pigmentation, but then when i saw the before and after photos on Good look Ink, specifically for scar correction, I couldn't tell it was ink! it looked very natural and after all, if no one can tell, why hesitate, you want to look your best, without people knowing, right? so this was a win-win in my book. and the staff are just absolutely GREAT and very professional. should have done it years ago."

– Frank M

"I did my SMP at Good look Ink today and the result exceeded my expectation. The technician understood how my hair design should look and took her time to achieve the desired design. I would recommend Googlook In to anyone considering SMP."

– Dawitt Reviewed

"Okay here goes,,,,I am 46 & have been through it all....transplants, hair piece, Rogaine, etc. and I wish this that this process was available much earlier. I had made the mistake of using a cosmetic tattooist to save some money & quickly realized that it was a poor decision that required laser removal. I am extremely happy with the initial results as well as the overall treatment that I received."

– Ken M

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